Help us with sourcing goods
We are always in need of basic goods and we would love some help. If you or someone you know is able to supply us with food, sanitary or basic goods please get in touch.
Our Recent Projects - Schools & Housing
Education is the key to ending poverty so let's give our next generation a fighting start. That starts with a safe home and this is why our major projects focus on housing and schools. Whilst there are so many schools that are worthy we can only do so much. If we can inspire you to join us, that's part of our job done.
Galewala School Building
This was probably one of our proudest moments and most significant milestones so far. The students of Galewala primary school, a school established in 1960, for years had been left to make do with a broken down for their school activities. Lessons and other activities were often interrupted due to bad weather as it posed a safety issue for students.
With your support, we managed to construct a much needed new facility for the benefit of the students attending the school. The construction was completed entirely by the parents of students and people in the local community being completed quickly in just 41 days. The entire community in the area (predominantly consisting of farmers) was passionately driven to make the project a success, which showed us how much these children and their futures means to the community.
The project was funded by you through your generosity. You made this possible. We are honoured to have played a part, so that these children feel safe and are able to thrive in their studies. We witnessed the real impact of this project on the day of the launch when the students conducted their first-ever concert performance with beaming smiles.
We started off with the simplest of acts - by purchasing lottery tickets, not with an eye on the prize but to support our local ticket salesmen trying to make a living. And now here we are, endeavoring to make a bigger difference than we had ever imagined. Your support and generosity goes a long way and we hope you keep in touch and join us in the journey of making a real difference.
Wigton Tamil Vidyalam Building
Wigton is an underdeveloped village in the Central Province of Sri Lanka with around 300 low-income families who mainly work in the tea plantations. Wigton Tamil Vidyalam currently has 101 students and was in desperate need of new classrooms. With the help of our supporters we were able to step up and make this a reality. This has enabled 75 new admissions for next year.
Parents of the children were extremely enthusiastic and this extended to lending a helping hand their support in helping us complete the construction work was heart-warming to see. This is the second school-building project we have embarked on and we never imagined we would be in a position to make these kinds of projects a reality. It's a testament to the loyal and generous supporters we have both in Sri Lanka and overseas.
We are committed to continuing our humanitarian projects to make a long-lasting impact on our younger generations. Children are the future of Sri Lanka and it's vital to empower them with education and life skills. Someday in the future each and every one of these children will have their own story to tell.
A Local Water Well
We were able to assist a local family living without access to running water to get a permanent solution. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards this project.